• 25% of French people are at risk, are suffering from some disease or are obese.
  • Around 42.4% in the US and 29% in the UK are obese adults.

What is the health status of the French population

France's leading epidemiologist has said that obese people infected with coronavirus are at greater risk. Professor Jean-François, Chief of the Scientific Council of France, is also advising the government in fighting Corona. He has said that about 25% of France's people are at risk. All these people are either struggling with some disease or are obese, both these things are dangerous in terms of coronavirus infection.

Obese people need to take special precautions

Based on the study, François said that it can also hunt young people, especially if they are obese, so they need to be more careful. According to him, this danger is more for America and Britain. About 42.4% of adults in America are obese. While 18.5% of children are struggling with this problem. At the same time, 29% of adults in the UK are obese. Both these countries currently remain the centres of Corona. According to François, obesity is a major problem in America. Most of the health problems there are due to obesity.

The number of obese people was also higher among flu patients

According to a report, the same happened during the Spanish flu spread in America in 1918. In addition, in a study conducted in the 2009 H1N1 flu epidemic, it was found that the number of obese people admitted to the hospital after the flu was twice that of the common people.

BMI is more than 40 then more risk of infection

A recent state survey in the US has revealed that New Orleans and Seattle people were more infected with corona than New York. Health officials say this is because most of the people there are obese. The CDC states that individuals who have a body mass index (BMI) of over 40 are at greater risk of infection.

Warning pregnant women

Chinese doctors have warned pregnant women to be cautious, even an infant in the womb may be affected by corona. Doctors recently studied those children with cesarean delivery, all of them corona positive. These were immediately separated from the mother. It is possible that infection has reached them through the umbilical cord.

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