• The presidential election in America: Trump said - I will protect American heritage, teach nationalism again in schools.
  • US President on Friday addressed an event at the National Archives Museum.
  • Trump targets left-wing ideology, says - he threatens the country.

US President Donald Trump: The presidential election in America

US President Donald Trump, surrounded by the issue of the prevention of coronaviruses, has now brought nationalism to the polls. On Friday, during an event at the National Archives Museum, Trump described himself as a defender of American heritage. He said that after coming to power again, the schools will include nation love and nationalism in the syllabus. Trump, meanwhile, attacked the left-wing ideology and said that the country's schools will now include American ideology while studying.

False things are being spread

Trump said, "I will not allow those things to reach American schools that present America as a racist society. Create a commission that will take nationalist education to schools. In the last few months, racial violence has occurred in America. During this Historic sites and statues were damaged. Democrat Candidate Joe Biden is associated with the perpetrators of violence. "

Nations can't forget heroes

Trump said "We can't forget National Heroes. We will teach our youth to love America." In May, black George Floyd was killed by police in Minneapolis. Even after this, some such incidents happened. Then a movement called Black Lives Matter started. During this period, violence continued in many parts of the country. Trump has since described the Democratic Party as inspired by leftist ideology. At Constitution Day, Trump said that a radical movement was being carried out to end our legacy.

Where is the President's focus?

Even before this, Trump has raised the issue of nationalism many times and targeted the Left or Marxist ideology many times. Trump had said recently, "The violence that you have seen in recent times is the result of decades of leftist ideology, and it has been taught in our schools. Now is the time that we can see in schools the great history of our country Teach about, inform the youth about this. "

Now is the way to win for Trump

Douglas Brinkley, a professor of history at Rice University, says Trump wants to change what American schools have been taught about civil rights and history. They are looking for a way to win through cultural war. In a way, they are advocating for whites. Trump does not even mention the contributions of the black and Hispanic community on many occasions. Nothing is more important than the truth. America was created by successive events. Slavery was abolished, citizens were given rights, bigotry was discontinued. It is because of these things that we feel proud of today.

No need to make a new commission

History expert Dr Ferris says that Trump is talking about creating a new commission to investigate historical facts and history. However, it has no special significance. There are already institutes such as the National Archives. They get very little government support. Despite this, they are doing good work.

It is worth noting that Trump talks about the honour of National Heroes, but does not participate in such ceremonies. Recently there was a special event in Washington on the memorial of former President Eisenhower. Trump did not come here. They were holding an election rally in Wisconsin while the event was taking place...

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