5 Interesting Facts about Japan:  Bizzare Flavor of Kit-Kat - Chili pepper, wasabi, sweet potato, grilled corn, Soyabean, salt watermelon, mango, green and many more these are the Kit-Kat flavours you can try in Japan.

1. Millions of vending machines - Japan has more than 5 million of them because they save time for people who work late hours, which is a common thing here. Japanese vending machines aren't just for snacks and soda, you can buy anything in these machines.

2. Train delays make headlines - Punctuality is a really big thing there, and train stations do everything possible to avoid a delay. If a train is late 5 minutes late, the railway company might have to issue a delay certificate for railway workers and passengers who missed an important appointment. If the delay is longer than an hour, then the railway company might give an official apology in newspapers.

3. Cleaning classes - Japanese kids learn how to clean in many schools because it's a part of their education. They mop their classrooms and hallways, do dusting, and even clean the bathrooms also. Teachers believe it's a great way to raise responsible citizens.

4. Space savings parking lots - Since Japan is a densely-populated country, they don't like to waste space. That's why their parking lots have a smart system. They're designed like a multi-level garage.

5. Robot-run hotel - In a hotel in Nagasaki, robots are big parts of its staff. It's called the Henn-na which translated as strange. The human-like androids meet the guests, clean rooms, carry luggage, make coffee, and even smile. Real people also work there too to recharge the robots and supervise how they perform their duties.

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