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Pakistani terrorist

The report said - Pakistan completely failed to curb rising terrorism and terrorist activities

'Pakistan encourages terrorists like Lashkar and Haqqani to maintain instability in Afghanistan'

'India has devised a better security strategy in Afghanistan, which is feared in Pakistan'

America worried about Pakistan being a hub of terrorists despite sanctions and warnings

According to the report of the European think tank, Pakistan remains a hub of terrorists despite many restrictions and warnings imposed by the Global Watchdog. This has created a serious problem regarding security in the region and the United States is deeply concerned about it. The European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS), based in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, cited a recent report by the US State Department which said that Pakistan has completely failed to check rising terrorism and various terrorist activities.
The report said, "Pakistan did not take adequate steps to act on terrorist organizations like Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed". All these organizations have been successful in using the soil of Pakistan to conduct terrorist incidents, train terrorists, organize and get funds. ”The report said that Pakistan had given Lashkar-related members in the general elections held in July this year. Made a candidate.

Pakistan promised to reach a compromise between the Taliban-government

The report said, "The Pakistani government promised support for a settlement between the local government and the Afghan Taliban in Afghanistan. However, it did not ban organizations such as the Afghan Taliban and the Haqqani network to prevent them from working against the US and the Afghan military. The terrorists of the Taliban and Haqqani network continue the attacks throughout Afghanistan, including the security forces of the US. The Taliban-affiliated Haqqani network detonated an ambulance laden with explosives in Kabul in January this year, killing more than 100 people. A week later, the Taliban again attacked the hotel in Kabul, killing 22 people. "

Pakistan makes Terror Funding a Crime through Anti-Terrorism Act

The report said that India has prepared a strategy for better security in Afghanistan, which Pakistan fears. In view of this, he maintains friendly relations with the Afghan Taliban and is promoting anti-India activities there. Pakistan's nervousness has increased due to India's diplomatic and commercial presence in Afghanistan and support from the US. However, the report says that if there is instability in Afghanistan, then it can also have adverse effects in Pakistan. Pakistan has made terrorism funding through the Anti-Terrorism Act a crime, but these guidelines are not being followed properly.

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